We are developing the North Highland Way across the North of Scotland. By signing up here, to our LetsGoNorth project, you are assisting us to raise much needed income for the Way. The development of the North Highland Way project is backed by The Highland Council, Nature Scot and VisitScotland, and all of the other Friends along the route such as the North East Scotland Climate Action Network, the Moray Firth Coastal Partnership, to name but two. We transitioned through from being a community group, led by the Dunnet Head Educational Trust to being a commercial business, which, in the long run is far more sustainable. There are so many community groups in the far north of Scotland, all vieing for the same money, and refusing to collaborate, no progress is made.

We supported the Culturally Curious project in Northern Ireland, and came up with our book “Spanish Gold comes to Northern Ireland

One forward thinking Portadown businessman is already working with us.

You can take our survey about Scotland here.

You can join Friends of the North Highland Way here and get your discount code. You might want to look here too

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