History channel

Culture, history and the environment do not often sit together, but together they make a powerful marketing tool. Rachel Carson is often said to be the first environmentalist, but there was climate change long before she came on the scene.

Get the quiz you can win a Trailfinders voucher worth £10.00. The same quiz and you can win two tickets to the Thurso Cinema. You would be responsible for selecting the night. You can’t win both, sorry.

Wars of course affect the environment, as in Libya, where Isis destroyed the Great Man Made River project which was built in the early 1990s. History is part of us and what we are, as is culture. You can buy the book here.

In January, Mark L’Estrange of the Inkslingers in Dublin was interviewed by NearFM. He is brilliant. The author and journalist has been interviewed on Mark’s excellent show, and also by NearFm.

Lets go to the North Highland Way

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